Small group personal training is a popular and effective option for those looking to get fit and reach their health and fitness goals in other ways besides just going to the gym by themselves or working with a trainer by yourself. Unlike traditional one-on-one personal training, small group personal training involves working with a trainer and a small group of other individuals who share similar fitness levels, goals, and schedules. This type of training offers many benefits, including a more affordable price point, a sense of community and accountability, and the ability to learn from and motivate one another.

At Personal Training Houston, we offer discounts for our clients who want to bring friends and family to workout with their coach in a group setting. The size of the group as well as fitness level, goals and schedule are important factors when it comes to creating the group you want to work out in. Size of the group is also important and we typically try to keep our small group personal training sessions to around 3 to 6 members. This allows for a more personalized and intimate training experience, while still providing the benefits of group dynamics. In terms of frequency, our small group personal training sessions can vary depending on the preferences of the participants and the goals they are trying to achieve. Some groups may opt for weekly sessions, while others may choose to meet twice a week or more. Our sessions will always last for 1 hour.

Benefits of Group Fitness Training

The structure and progression of the training program should be very important to you when working with a personal trainer. Our well-designed program are tailored to the needs and goals of the group, and include a mix of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training. As you continue to work through the program we set up with for you, the workouts will also progress, with the workouts gradually increasing in intensity and complexity as your group’s fitness levels improve.

Leading a small group personal training session is not an easy task and requires a number of skills and strategies, but our trainers have plenty of experience. Planning and preparation are key, as our trainers will create a clear idea of the goals for the session and the exercises and drills that will be used to achieve them. Motivating and engaging the group is also important. Your group trainer will continuously encourage and support everyone as they work towards their goals, making sure that nobody is left behind and everyone feels confident about the work they have put in and the results they have achieved. Though this is a group training sessions, individualized attention and adjustments will always happen throughout the sessions, as each member of the group may have different needs and abilities. It is also the job of your coach to keep a positive and inclusive environment where all members feel comfortable and supported.

In conclusion, small group personal training is a fantastic option for those looking to get fit and reach their health and fitness goals. It offers the benefits of personalized training at a more affordable price point, as well as the added accountability and motivation of working with a small group of like-minded individuals. If you’re interested in giving small group personal training a try, call Personal Training Houston and get your group training sessions started today.

Working out is fun, and even better with friends. Join our small group training and share the fun with like minded individuals.